5dr training plan

The schedule builds slowly and uses a run / walk model to build fitness and confidence. The plan finishes with a 60 minute walk at the end of week 8 and participants will take on the 5k on the Saturday morning of week 9.

The plan will also help participants achieve the 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical exercise each week that is recommended for adults by the Australian Department of Health


Runners who complete the Couch to 5k program have two options to continue with 5DR:

5K Personal best program

10K program

The 5K Personal best (PB) program is a 13-week intermediate level, training program that looks to improve a runners 5K time. It focuses on improving speed, and progress is tested by completing 5K events at the end of week 5, week 9 and week 13. The aim is to improve the 5K PB at each benchmark point. All participants receive an individualised training plan and a 5DR race shirt at the end of the program.

The 10K program is a 10-week training program that helps runners build strength, endurance and speed. The goal is for runners to complete a 10K race at the end of the program. All participants receive an individualised training plan and a 5DR race shirt at the end of the program.

Sessions are also available for runners who are focusing on Half-marathons or marathons, and one-to-one training is available for individuals who are looking to set PB’s at any distance.